Hi! I’m Laura.

I am a banker turned stay at home mom. I was born and raised in Tennessee (Go Vols!), lived briefly in Texas, did a semester abroad in Spain and have ended up in the Mountain Tops of Georgia.

I am married to my husband, William, and we have two kids, Loralei and Griffin, and the sweetest pup, Sky. My husband was offered his dream job mid year in 2021 and it has been a whirlwind ever since. We sold our house we said we would never leave, I hung up my banking career and we took off to the mountains. We found a new “forever home” (hoping it actually is forever this time) tucked away on a little mountain and haven’t looked back! We never thought I would have the ability to stay at home with the kids, so this opportunity was big for both of us. Let’s be honest, I work way harder being at home than I ever did working out of the home, but being a stay at home mom has turned out to be something I never knew I wanted.

As I start this new phase of motherhood, I find myself wanting to share all the things about life and motherhood I am learning along the way. This is why I started Mountain Tops Mama. I hope you join me on this journey!